Brooklyn Community Board 11

Monthly Minutes - May 2011

Minutes of Community Board 11's General Meeting and Public Hearing
Held on Wednesday, May 18, 2011 at the:
Holy Family Home, 1740 84th Street

Table of Contents

The general meeting of Community Board 11 was opened with Dr. Joseph Caruana having the honor of the Pledge.

Public Hearings top

Kon Cafe Corp.
2001 Stillwell Avenue
Consumer Affairs License# 1315645

The applicant seeks a recommendation for an application submitted to the Department of Consumer Affairs for the renewal of a revocable consent for an unenclosed sidewalk cafe with 18 tables and 39 seats, abutting the existing premises.

The Chairman inquired if anyone sought recognition on this matter. Hearing none, a motion was made by Tonty Troia to close the public hearing. Seconded by Al Campanelli. Unanimously adopted.

Public Portion top

Donna Shapiro, representing the Highlawn Branch library, advised that the libraries are facing a $25 million budget cut. She requested that residents contact their elected officials. She further advised there is literature available promoting Sumer Reading 2011.

Sylvia Maraino, representing Councilman Rechhia, was in attendance and is available to discuss any issue that needs to be brought to the Councilman's attention.

Maya Kremen, representing Congressman Nadler, advised that as a result of meetings with the Postal Service, they are seeking input from the community regarding problems with package delivery. If anyone has issues, especially in apartment buildings, please contact the Congressman's office at 718-373-3198.

Rocco Buonpane, representing Councilman Gentile, spoke regarding the 2010 census undercounting. He stated that the results showed a mere 2.1% population growth between 2000 -2010. Additionally, the newly released figures show a 319% increase in building vacancies. The Councilman is pushing the US Census Bureau to consider that that there may have been errors in collecting and processing the data. City Planning will be filing a formal complaint with the US Census Bureau.

Mr. Buonpane further advised that the Mayor has recently released the Executive Budget, and the numbers are not very good. The most significant cuts are to public education, firehouses and libraries. The Councilman will be working with his colleagues in the Council to make as many restorations as possible.

In closing, he advised that the Councilman has introduced legislation that would permit disabled veterans regardless of how many passengers are in the vehicle to use express lanes or high occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes.

The Chairman inquired if anyone else from the public sought recognition. Hearing none, a motion was made by Bart Allegretti to close the public portion of the meeting. Seconded by Tom Colasanto. Unanimously adopted.

Assemblyman Peter Abbate top

The Assemblyman advised that he received notification today that the Mayor has listed the firehouse on 12th Avenue and 79th Street for closure. He further stated he is furious and that he would be working non-stop to ensure that this does not come to fruition.

Minutes top

A motion was made by Louis Crispiano to adopt the minutes of the April 14, 2011 meeting. Seconded by Man Wai Lau. Unanimously adopted.

Brooklyn Bay Center top

William Guarinello reported that a public hearing was held on Monday, May 16, 2011, at St. Finbar's Confraternity Center, on land use applications received from Thor Shore Parkway Developers. The project is located at 1752 Shore Parkway. The applications are required to facilitate the development of an approximate 214,000 square foot, two-story commercial building anticipated to be tenanted by a BJ's Wholesale Club on the ground floor and up to 3 retail stores on the second floor, as well as a 3-level parking garage and approximately 2.4 acres of publicly accessible water front space.

The applications seek the following: an amendment of the zoning map, changing from a M3-1 District to an M1-1 district. A special permit to allow large retail establishments in Use Group 6 and/or 10A with no floor area limitation per establishment within a proposed 2-story commercial development; a special permit to modify height and set back requirements on a waterfront block; a special permit to modify height of signs within a large scale general development; and a special permit to allow a parking garage with a maximum capacity of 690 spaces with rooftop parking within a 3-story parking garage.

The Chairman advised that two people at the public hearing spoke regarding traffic concerns. He further added that Assemblyman Abbate would work on obtaining state funding for traffic mitigation, namely, the relocation of the eastbound entrance to the Belt Parkway from Bay Parkway to a point easterly.

A motion was made by Jerry Chiapetta to approve the applications to: amend the zoning map from an M3-1 District to an M1-1 District; a special permit to allow large retail establishments in Use Group 6 and/or 10A with no floor area limitation per establishment within a proposed 2-story commercial development; a special permit to modify height and set back requirements on a waterfront block; a special permit to modify height of signs within a large scale general development; and a special permit to allow a parking garage with a maximum capacity of 690 spaces with rooftop parking within a 3-story parking garage, with the following recommendations:

1. The applicant conducts a local hiring initiative for the residents of the community
2. The applicant provides onsite parking for its employees.
3. The applicant works with the appropriate agencies to explore the feasibility of providing public access to the water and an Eco Dock.
4. The Department of Transportation works with the community to mitigate traffic issues
5. Charitable giving program for community based organizations within Community Board 11.

Seconded by Man Wai Lau.

Stan Roher, who was the past president of the Bensonhurst Board of Trade and the Kings County Board of Trade, spoke in opposition of the proposed project due to the impacts on the merchants. He stated that these larger stores should be located on our main streets where there are empty storefronts.

He further added that he is speaking on his behalf and not representing any merchant or board of trade.

The Chairman inquired if anyone else sought recognition. Hearing none, the vote was 26 in favor; 1 opposed. Motion approved.

Nominating Committee top

Vincent Nativo, Chairman of the Nominating Committee, presented the following slate of Officers for the 2011-2012 term: William Guarinello - Chairman, Frank Segreto - 1st Vice Chair, Shirley Fineman - 2nd Vice Chair, Man Wai Lau - Secretary, Nicholas Miraglia - Treasurer.

Disposition Of Public Hearing top

A motion was made by Ross Brady to approve the application submitted by Kon Cafe, 2001 Stillwell Avenue, to the Department of Consumer Affairs for the renewal of a revocable consent for an unenclosed sidewalk cafe with 18 tables and 39 seats, abutting the existing premises. Seconded by Bart Allegretti. Unanimously adopted.

Dot Presentation top

Ronda Messer, representing DOT Brooklyn Borough office, introduced Hillary Poole, of Traffic Planning who made a presentation. (attached)

Hillary Poole advised that about a year ago she made a presentation to the Transportation Committee regarding the Safe Streets for Seniors Bensonhurst Phase II Program. She now has recommendations and is seeking feedback.

The project process consists of area-wide audits, senior surveys, data collection and analysis, proposed improvement measures, community feedback, final recommendations, implementation and education outreach.

She stated that some of the pedestrian issues were not enough time to cross the street, broken or missing pedestrian ramps, poor drainage in crosswalks, faded and hard to see markings, turning vehicles failing to yield, missing crosswalk markings, missing pedestrian refuge islands and the length of crosswalks.

A summary of improvements included times signals for slower walking speed, install high visibility crosswalk and advanced stop bars, refurbish markings, repair broken curbs and pedestrian ramps, and install parking lane stripes on 18th Avenue, 19th Avenue and Avenue O. A wide parking lane is proposed on Bay Ridge Parkway.

In addition, DOT proposed site-specific improvements that would be performed in-house on Avenue P and Stillwell Avenue. On Avenue P, the proposal calls for the removal of one travel lane in each direction, the installation of 6 pedestrian refuge islands, 12 left turn bays and stripe a wide parking lane.

The Stillwell Avenue proposal includes the removal of one travel lane in each direction, the installation of 3 pedestrian islands and 10 left turn bays, and the striping of a wide parking lane.

The Capital site-specific improvements include the installation of neck downs at 8 locations, install bus bulbs at 4 locations and expand green street islands at 4 locations. She stated that there was no current funding.

John Orlando stated that due to the installation of traffic islands on Stillwell Avenue and Avenue P, traffic is now backing up onto Bay Parkway and Bay Ridge Parkway.

There was further discussion regarding traffic issues at other locations where the Department of Transportation reduced moving lanes to one in each direction.

The District Manager inquired if the wide parking lane stripes included bicycle lanes on Bay Ridge Parkway. Hillary Poole assured the Board that these are parking lanes only.

There was additional discussion on the current traffic studies being conducted throughout the community in connection with the proposed BJ project.

A motion was made by Tom Colasanto to support the installation of high visibility crosswalks and advance stop bars, refurbish markings, repair broken curbs and pedestrian ramps, install parking lane stripes, and left turn bays with no reduction of moving lanes in either direction on Stillwell Avenue or Avenue P. The Department of Transportation will present the capital portion of the project to the board before initiating site-specific improvements when the funding becomes available. Seconded by John Orlando. Unanimously adopted.

Chairman's Report top

The Chairman advised that next month's meeting will be held on Thursday, June 9, 2011, at Holy Family Home at 7:30 PM. He further advised that photo identification cards would be available before the meeting.

District Manager's Report top

Marnee Elias-Pavia advised that she recently received notification that the television show, Adult Swim will be filming this weekend on Avenue U. She further stated that the filming in the area is beneficial to small businesses in the area.

The District Manager reported that this Saturday, in celebration of It's My Park Day, we will be hosting a painting project along the Shore Parkway Promenade. We plan to paint the park benches with the help of the 62nd Precinct Explorers. All are invited and encouraged to volunteer. The event will run from 10AM - 1PM.

Marnee Elias-Pavia announced that Shred Fest at Bensonhurst Park will take place this Sunday, May 22, 2011, from 10:00 a.m. -4:00 p.m. Residents can shred their personal papers and get tips on preventing identity theft for free. Free paper shredders donated by Staples for the first four people to arrive with their papers at each location.

The District Manager advised that the Department of Transportation responded to the board's resolution opposing the installation of bicycle racks on residential segments and in front of schools. They have advised that they concur with the board's position and they will not make installations without written requests from the school principal or property owner.

The District Manager gave an update on the Avenue V Owl's Head Project. The contractor is in the process of making final restorations within CB 11. She was happy to announce that the trailers used for a field office on Shore Parkway will be removed within the next week, and the area will be restored. Final leak tests are being conducted on Cropsey Avenue and Bay 40th Street, and pending the results of the leak test, the area should be restored within a month.

As a follow-up to Mr. Favale's inquiry at last month's meeting, the contractor has summited the property damage to the insurance company and we have requested a time-line for the repairs.

New Business top

Maria Campanella advised that she and her friend, owner of Lenny's Pizza, in Prospect Park, have advertised on billboard space thanking the communities for their support. They are both small business owners that were inherited from their fathers'. They are in the process of planning for a reality show.

Maria further announced that she and State Senator Marty Golden would be holding Brooklyn's 3rd Annual Famous Ice Cream Eating Contest, on Sunday, June 5, 2011, at 2 pm, at the 5th Avenue Street Festival, in front of 7408 5th Avenue.

A motion was made by Stan Roher to adjourn. Seconded by Eileen LaRuffa. Unanimously adopted.

Attendance top

  • Bart Allegretti
  • Ross Brady
  • Maria Campanella
  • Al Campanelli
  • Dr. Joe Caruana
  • Rosa Casella
  • Jerry Chiapetta
  • Thomas Colasanto
  • Louis Crispiano
  • Mafalda DiMango
  • Sal D'Allessio
  • Joseph DiSanto
  • Paul DiSpirito
  • Charles Farrauto
  • Anthony Favale
  • Shirley Fineman
  • William Guarinello
  • Eileen LaRuffa
  • Man Wai Lau
  • Nicholas Miraglia
  • Vincent Nativo
  • James Orlando
  • Rabbi Gary Pollack
  • Stanley Roher
  • Angelo Russo
  • Antonio Troia
  • Leonard Beninson
  • Gerald Bertuna
  • Don Clark
  • Sarra Fronshtein
  • Kevin Ly
  • Anthony Mallozzi
  • Corrado Manfredi
  • Rosalee Manitta
  • Camillo Messina
  • Ella Nigro
  • Matthew Bromme
  • Msgr. David Cassato
  • Yoketing Eng
  • John Garvey
  • Tim Law
  • Vito Marangelli
  • Vito Marinelli
  • Albert Milone
  • Dr. Ray Mollica
  • Barbara Parisi
  • Frank Segreto
  • Laurie Windsor
  • David Kondi - Roma Cafe
  • Khalid Ali-J - Roma Cafe
  • Danielle Shapiro - BPL Highlawn Branch
  • Sylvia Maraia - Council Member Recchia
  • Tambe John - BPL New Utrecht Branch
  • Lily Wong - Borough President
  • Nick Mustacchia
  • Tom Musso
  • Jake Oliver - Council Member Greenfield
  • Ronda Messer - DOT
  • Rocco Buonpane - Council Member Gentile
  • Ibrahim Mossallam - MAS Youth Center