Brooklyn Community Board 11

Monthly Minutes - June 2009

Minutes of Community Board 11's General Meeting and Public Hearing
Held on June 11th, 2009 at the:
Holy Family Home, 1740 84th Street

Table of Contents

Public Hearing top

Kon Kafe Corp
2001 Stillwell Avenue
Consumer Affairs License # 1315645

The applicant seeks a recommendation for an application submitted to the Department of Consumer Affairs for a revocable consent for an unenclosed sidewalk cafe with 31 tables and 68 seats, abutting the existing premises, at the above captioned address.

The Chairman inquired if anyone from the public sought recognition on this matter. Hearing none, a motion was made by Bart Allegretti to close the public hearing. Seconded by Vincent Nativo. Unanimously adopted.

Pleadge Of Allegiance top

Tom Colasanto had the honor of leading the Pledge.

Moment Of Silence top

The Chairman requested a moment of silence for Angelo "Chubby" Campanella, father of Maria Campanella; and Brigid Doherty, grandmother of Deputy Inspector John Sprague.

Minutes top

A motion was made by Man Wai Lau to adopt the minutes of the May 13, 2009 meeting. Seconded by Dr. Joe Caruana. Unanimously adopted

Public Portion top

John Chan and Peggy Frieda, recruiters for the US Census Bureau, South Brooklyn office, announced that there are available job opportunities. They are seeking 6 managers to staff 23 offices, which are scheduled to open later this summer. Anyone interested should complete the forms available this evening.

Bill Smith, representing Met Life, advised that the company now offers reverse mortgages to senior citizens. There is literature available for those interested.

The Chairman inquired if anyone else from the public sought recognition. Hearing none, a motion was made by Frank Segreto to close the public portion of the meeting. Seconded by Man Wai Lau. Unanimously adopted.

Award Presentations top

Ella Nigro and Stephanie Kangis, representing the students and Martin Fiasconaro, Principal of the Brooklyn Studio School, who could not attend due to a school event, advised that the students through fundraising activities raised over $2,000 dollars. This year the children voted to donate the funds to the families of the Fort Hamilton Army Base and Reachin Out Community Services Food Pantry.

On behalf of the students, funds were presented to Sergeant Major Sylvia Laughlin.

Command Sergeant Major Laughlin, representing Colonel Smith, Commander of the US Army Garrison - Fort Hamilton, thanked the children of the Brooklyn Studio School for their support of the soldiers and families.

Mr. Guarinello advised that our District Manager organized and participated in It's My Park Day, which was held on Saturday May 16th at Bath Beach Park. The Chairman thanked all those who participated, especially Assemblyman Peter Abbate who came out to assist.

Certificates of Participation were presented to: Thomas LoPinto, Kenneth Chan, Hong Yang, Luis Chamorro, Tat Chan, Alban Mijas, Helen Cho, Roxie Pavia and Oksana.

The District Manager thanked Eileen LaRuffa, Chair of the Parks Committee, Police Officer Pierre, who oversees the 62nd Precinct Explorers, and the community for their participation.

Perfect Attendance Award top

Alice Wong, representing Borough President Marty Markowitz, presented perfect attendance awards to Bart Allegretti, Rosa Casella Msgr. David Cassato, Jerry Chiapetta, Thomas Colasanto, Louis Crispiano, Mafalda DiMango, Nicholas Miraglia, Charles Farrauto, Shirley Fineman, William Guarinello, Man Wai Lau, Albert Milone, Barbara Parisi, Rabbi Gary Pollack, and Frank Segreto.

Disposition Of Public Hearing top

Frank Segreto, Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Committee, reported that Kon Cafe, located at 2001 Stillwell Avenue, is seeking a revocable consent to operate a sidewalk cafe. The cafe will be in a "L" Shape, the smaller portion on Stillwell Avenue, which presently has 3 or 4 businesses. The Avenue T portion will face the side of a commercial building, and the rear of a residential building.

Additionally, no complaints have been filed with the Police Department, and only one person objected in response to the notice of public hearing.

A motion was made by Tom Colasanto to approve the application as presented. Seconded by Msgr. Cassato. Unanimously adopted.

Council Member Simcha Felder top

Council Member Felder addressed the Board regarding legislation that calls for a 5-minute grace period on alternate side parking days. Agents will not be permitted to write summonses for the first 5-minutes of any alternate side parking cycle. The Councilman noted that statistics show that 20% of all alternate side parking summonses are written within those first five minutes.

The Councilman was joined by Chief Kuznitz, Sanitation Enforcement, who stated that District 11 was one of the cleanest in the City.

Council Member Felder discussed the issue of illegal posting of advertisements and religious materials. He stated that no one is permitted to post on poles. He advised that there will be strict enforcement.

Mr. Guarinello discussed the moving signs posted throughout our community.

Chief Kuznitz stated that one of the issues hindering the Department is the use of pre-paid mobile phones by the moving companies. These phones do not have a traceable phone number. The Department is aggressively pursuing these illegal posting.

Assemblyman Peter Abbate top

The Assemblyman addressed the Board regarding the work that is being conducted in the Assembly. He will provide updates in September.

Chairman'sreport top

Mr. Guarinello introduced and welcomed the following newly appointed Board Members: John Garvey, Anthony Favale, Salvatore D'Allessio, James Orlando, and Kevin Ly.

The Chairman announced that Fort Hamilton has invited the community to attend Twilight Tattoo, which is a colorful military pageant. It will be held on Saturday, June 20th at 6PM, at Bay 8th Street/Dyker Park. Flyers are available.

Tuesday, July 14th will be Community Board 11 Night at KeySpan Park. Ticket information will be disseminated.

One June 23rd, District Attorny Hynes will be holding a clean-up in our community in response to the complaints regarding the posting of illegal flyers. There will be approximately 25 people from the Alternative Sentencing Unit cleaning the poles on 86th Street from 18th Avenue to Bay Parkway.

Election Of Officers top

At the May 13, 2009 meeting, the Nominating Committee presented the following slate of Officers for the 2009/2010 term:

Chairman - William R. Guarinello
1st Vice Chair - Frank Segreto
2nd Vice Chair - Shirley Fineman
Secretary - Nick Miraglia
Treasurer - Louisa Verito

The Chairman inquired if there were any nominations from the floor. Hearing none, a motion was made by Joe DiSanto to accept the slate of Officers presented by the Nominating Committee. Seconded by Bart Allegretti. Unanimously adopted.

District Manager'sreport top

Marnee Elias-Pavia provided an update regarding the issue that was brought before the Board at the May 13th meeting regarding the school on 63rd Street between 16th and 17th Avenues. She stated that complaints have been filed with the Department of Buildings and violations were issued for use contrary to the Certificate of Occupancy.

The District Manager discussed the MTA owned property at Bay Parkway and 66th Street. The property is an irregular shaped, oversized sidewalk, which is unfenced. Dumping is a common occurrence and the property is not maintained on a regular basis.

A motion was made by Frank Segreto to call upon the MTA to properly maintain and fence their property located on Bay Parkway and 66th Street. Seconded by Msgr. Cassato. Unanimously adopted.

The District Manager announced that the 62nd Precinct will be hosting National Night Out on Tuesday, August 4th from 6PM-9PM, at 1925 Bath Avenue. Flyers are available.

As part of the 2009 Boy Scout Eagle Project, Troop 20 has issued a Household Appeal. They are collecting used appliances and household items, which will benefit Reachin Out Community Services. Flyers are available.

The Department of Buildings has formalized the new 45-day formal development challenge process. The Development Challenge process applies to zoning approvals on all new buildings and building enlargements that affect the exterior envelope of an existing building. The new measures go into effect July 13, 2009.

New Business top

Stan Roher advised that a streetlight was removed on 67th Street between 18th and 19th Avenue. Marnee Elias-Pavia advised that Department of Transportation was notified and a request was made to restore the lighting.

Leonard Beninson stated that the stores on 86th Street between Bay Parkway and 23rd Avenue are placing their merchandise too far out, causing dangerous conditions for pedestrians.

The District Manager introduced Charles Glover from the Mayor's Community Assistance Unit. She stated that this issue has been discussed with the Mayor's Office, and a walkthrough was conducted with Charles Glover and Fred Kreizman. Every merchant was advised what the regulations are, as they pertain to this location and that future enforcement would be conducted.

Additionally, the 62nd Precinct and the Department of Sanitation have been vigilant in enforcing compliance.

A motion was made by Frank Segreto to adjourn. Seconded by Tom Colasanto.

Unanimously adopted.

Attendance top

  • Bart Allegretti
  • Leonard Beninson
  • Gerald Bertuna
  • Ross Brady
  • Maria Campanella
  • Albert Campanelli
  • Joseph Caruana
  • Rosa Casella
  • Msgr. David Cassato
  • Jerry Chiapetta
  • Thomas Colasanto
  • Louis Crispiano
  • Salvatore D'Alessio
  • Joseph DiSanto
  • Paul DiSpirito
  • Charles Farrauto
  • Anthony Favale
  • Shirley Fineman
  • Angel Geraldi
  • William Guarinello
  • Eileen LaRuffa
  • Man Wai Lau
  • Kevin Ly
  • Anthony Mallozzi
  • Rosalee Manitta
  • Camillo Messina
  • Albert Milone
  • Nicholas Miraglia
  • Vincent Nativo
  • Ella Nigro
  • James Orlando
  • Barbara Parisi
  • Rabbi Gary Pollack
  • John Raffaele
  • Stan Roher
  • Frank Segreto
  • Louisa Verito
  • Steve Balasiano
  • Iris Chiu
  • Richard DiNapoli
  • Sarra Fronstein
  • Corrado Manfredi
  • Kalman Talbak
  • John Garvey
  • Raymond Mollica
  • Antonio Troia
  • Council Member Simcha Felder
  • Chief Todd Kuznitz
  • Chander K. Dutta-Metropolitan Health Plan
  • Lucille and Andrew Santano
  • Alice Wong - Brooklyn Borough President
  • William Smith
  • Edward Maddalena _ Troop 20
  • S. Stabanis
  • Helen Groments
  • Cathy Dafaus
  • Charles Glover - Mayor's CAU
  • Bill Smith - Met Life